Clip Better

Use Clip Better to email link previews from anywhere on the web!

Use Clip Better to email link previews from anywhere on the web!

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What is Clip Better?

Hate sending raw URLs to your friends? We do too! Want a way to quickly get back to stuff that matters to you? Wish there was a way to share web pages via email as effortlessly and powerfully as you can on social media? Stop emailing ugly URLs and start doing something better. Welcome to Clip Better.

Clip Better will create a rich snippet that includes an image, title, summary, link, and more so that you can quickly share web content with friends and know that they will can review a rich preview of the content that you are sharing before they click on the link.

Clip Better works great as a Chrome extension on your desktop. If you already have Chrome, simply visit with your Chrome browser on your desktop. You can also use another desktop browser, use it from your iPhone, or use the direct email tool. Sign up to our email list to get more information and updates.

Extension Features:

Create clips directly from webpages you want to capture

Automatically generate preview with image, title, link, summary, and more

Edit title and summary directly in preview

Quickly add personalized comments or notes

Advanced edit allows you to change the main image and more

Send with Gmail with a single click

Or copy the clip to your clipboard and use it in your favorite email client, word processor, or more

Easily undo changes

More features coming in the next release

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