Clip Better

Use Clip Better to email link previews from anywhere on the web!

Different Ways to use Clip Better

You might be viewing this page because a friend of yours just installed the Clip Better App on their iPhone and sent you a sample rich web preview. You can check it out, too - it's free! But you don't have to have an iPhone to use the app. You can use it straight from your desktop or laptop. Read below to find out more about how you can get Clip Better for yourself.

If you are looking for instructions on how to use Clip Better on your iPhone head over here.

Chrome Extension

If you are using the Chrome web browser on your laptop or desktop, the quickest and easiest way to get going is to use the Chrome Extension. You can get this installed in about 15 seconds and you'll be creating your own rich web clips in no time. Head over to the Chrome Web Store to check out Clip Better's Extension.


You can install a bookmarklet in your laptop or desktop without having to install any extensions. The bookmarklet will work on your desktop or laptop in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer and more. Head over here to quickly install it. For extra instructions and assistance, check out the articles here.

Direct Email

Don't want to install anything and just want to get started? We understand. Shoot an email that contains the URL you want converted to and you'll get an email back in a few minutes. You can even send multiple URLs in and automatically add your comments. Find instructions here.